Vermont's Connecticut River Valley


Well, the NH Hiker has decided that after 2 weeks, he has spent enough time in New Hampshire. So he hitched a ride North-West into the Connecticut River Valley in Vermont. It is here, he found a wonderful community that allowed him to set up a tent at Lake Morey in Fairlee.

Locate the parking lot, across from the boat launch. This will be where you can find the Cross Rivendell Trail trail head, but you will not take this trail. Walk back to the road and head right. After a very short walk, you will follow a trail on the right, before the bridge. This trail will bring you up to Glen Falls. While walking Glen Falls, locate the 11 foot tall tree stump with its fallen trunk landing between twins. If you feel like you have gone to far, keep going. Climb over the trunk and walk to the stump. In the trunk behind some bark, next to the stump, you will find the NH Hiker resting.