NH Hiker Back in New Hampshire


We picked up the NH Hiker in Kittery ME. He was thrilled to come home with us and visit a new state. He told us of his plans to visit 48 states and his desire to head west. But then all those never ending thunderstorms rolled in and somehow his enthusiasm for the open road began to wain. He was quite happy staying up late eating Twinkies, watching tivo, drinking all our beer and teaching the kids to play poker. Frankly he was getting soft. And we'd had enough of him eating all the ice cream. The time had come for tough love. It was time for the NH Hiker to get back out there on the open road and fulfill his destiny. So today we dropped him off in Salem, NH, with the hope he can quickly find a ride to a new state... hopefully Vermont. He's heard they make mighty good ice cream in Vermont. ~Muddy Paws

To find the NH Hiker get yourself to the I-93 Northbound rest area in Salem NH. Drive to the the far end and park near the exit. Walk west across a small road, towards a group of picnic tables and trees. Locate the trash can nearest the exit. From the trashcan take 18 steps at 290 degrees to a large uprooted trunk. To your right stands a tall pine. Look behind, at the pine's feet.