NH Hiker ready to head off!


Well, here I go on a journey across the states to destinations unknown. Many places I have never been and maybe some I have been before. I will meet tons of new people along the way I'm sure, and eventually end my journey with most of them as friends. So, here I find myself in beautiful Concord, New Hampshire. While in Concord, I decided to visit the Karner Blue Butterfly Easement. I hear the Karner Blue is a site to see. But unfortunately, I didn't see any today. It was a bit overcast and they like it when the weather is much nicer. But what I did see was a baby blue jay learning to fly. Actually, it kinda feel onto the ground next to me as I past a tree with a blue ribbon tied to it. Pretty funny if you think about it. A blue jay falling out of a tree marked blue. Anyway, even though I had a nice walk thought the woods hoping to find some Karner Blue, it is time for me to head off and visit new places.
CLUES: Concord, NH - Take Reginal Drive to Chenell Drive. Head to the end of Chenell to the Karner Blue Butterfly Easment. Pass through the gate to the kiosk. To your left, will be a trail. Take this trail along the fence and through the grassy meadow. Once you arrive at the "V" intersection, head left into the woods, then find the tree marked with a blue ribbon. This is where you will find me camping.